In-depth study and survey of online auction sites
Easy to use, easy to win
From a brand new customer’s perspective, I recently conducted a 150-hour in-depth study of eight online auction sites. I looked at cost of bid packages, ease of winning and making payments, ease of using the web site, number and variety of items up for bid, customer service, win limits, ease of using the audo bidder, best features I liked about the site, what I did NOT like about the site and then provided recommendations for improvement. I emailed the same letter to four CEOs of the -auction sites I included in my survey to see if they wanted to make a deal to get a copy. Only one responded — the one that cares most about its customers — DealDash. When I compared DealDash with seven other online-auction sites, none of the others even came close to what DealDash has to offer. Why? Because DealDash knows that customer feedback is important. They not only welcome it, but DealDash often implements good ideas that help them better meet customer wants and needs. DealDash makes customer satisfaction a top priority.

Easy to win
I did not know about online-auction sites until January 2012, when one of them popped up on another survey I was doing. When I studied how that other site worked and tried it with some success, I did a google search to see if there were any more online auction sites online as well. That’s when I found DealDash. Since I needed to present a speech on a technical subject in my Toastmasters club, I decided to speak about online-auction sites and compare the good and bad features. After that, I was hooked and continued to do additional research. The more I researched and the more I compared DealDash with other online-auction sites, the more I realized that DealDash was the best one and the one that makes it easiest to win.
I registered as a DealDash customer Feb. 8, 2012, and on Feb. 23, 2012 (my 65th birthday) I won a 55-inch Toshiba TV that retails for $1,399.00. My cost? Only $1 transaction fee, plus the $19 worth of bids I used to win it. Deal Dash just happened to be celebrating its third birthday by offering its products FREE to the winners on my 65th birthday, so I was able to win an awesome birthday gift for myself. That was just the beginning of my success on DealDash.
As a new DealDash customer, I won more than 100 auctions in only four months. Some of my other favorite wins are:
* $999 digital Canon camera for $18.28
* $222 eight-person modified three-room dome tent for $5.06
* $279 women’s Schwinn bicycle for $7.85
* $279 case of Milwaukee tools for $1 transaction fee
* $89 video camera for $1.31
* $149 durable luggage set for a $1 transaction fee
* $100 J.C. Penny gift card for $4.13
* $50 AMC movie night gift card for 77 cents
* $18 radio for 7 cents, a DVD movie for 5 cents
* Ghostbusters Nintendo Wii game for 22 cents
* Kindlefire leather case for 7 cents and
* 40-bid package for only one penny.
Getting started
Registration is free, but before customers can start bidding, they must purchase a bid package. After purchasing an initial bid package, the only cost to customers is the closing cost of the winning auction, because postage is free.
Most online auction sites charge a standard 60 cents per bid (some are higher). DealDash also charges 60 cents per bid, but often celebrates specials for events like Father’s Day and gives customers a limited time to purchase bid packages at a discounted cost of only 20 cents per bid. Smart customers take advantage of those sales and stock up on bids in their accounts. Another way customers reduce the cost of bids is by bidding on and winning bid packages. Bid packages of 40, 60, 70, 80, 150, 300, 600 and 800 are put up for auction every day, so it is fairly easy for DealDash customers to win additional bids. To give everyone a better chance to win a bid package, DealDash has set a limit of one per household for the 150 and 800 bid packages. However, all of the other bid packages are up for grabs as many times as you can win them. How well you do on winning bid packages at a bargain price depends largely on being in the right auction at the right time (when nobody else or only a few other bidders are there). Winners of bid packages significantly reduce the cost for each bid. For example, yesterday I got really lucky and won a 600 bid package for only 48 cents. Counting the cost of bids, I paid $2.08 for a bid package that retails for $360.
FREE shipping and handling, no hidden charges
Whether a customer wins a product or buys a product, DealDash always ships postage FREE, and there are no hidden charges.
Each time a bid is placed, the cost of the product goes up one penny. If a total of 19 bids are placed when the auction closes, the winner of the auction only pays 19 cents, nothing more.