Gather ‘Round for the Story of DealDash

 dealdash story

Once upon a time…There was an amazing company called DealDash. Here is the DealDash story.

DealDash is not quite like any other web site, auction site, or shopping site out there. It is a company that was born out of a bad experience that the company’s founder, William Wolfram had when he was just 16 years old. Read on to learn some interesting history about DealDash.

DealDash was founded on February 22, 2009, just about 8 years ago, when it’s founder, William Wolfram was a teenager. He had a bad experience on another bidding site, and had lost money. As you know, with these other bidding sites, once you use your bids, they’re gone, and there’s no recovering your money.

William had the bright idea to start a similar shopping entertainment website with one distinct and important difference – the ability to re-claim your bids if you didn’t win the auction. And thus, DealDash and the Buy It Now (BIN) policy was created.

DealDash has grown at a strikingly impressive rate since that fateful day in 2009. There are now hundreds of auctions daily, and they run 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. DealDash never stops. DealDash may have started with humble beginnings, but now they boast over 8 million unique registered users. That might sound like a lot of competition, and if you are feeling a bit wary to join in the fun, that’s okay, you can give it a try completely risk-free!

DealDash is absolutely 100% risk-free to try. If you don’t win anything with your first bid pack that you purchase, you may request and receive a refundOnly your first bid pack is fully refundable. Just think, if all auction websites had this policy, William Wolfram might have never started DealDash! That’s the DealDash difference – 100% risk-free shopping entertainment.

I hope this article has encouraged you to learn more about DealDash. It’s fun to learn about our favorite web site. You should definitely check out DealDash’s “Tips & Tricks” section on the site. It’s full of great information that you will find helpful when bidding on DealDash. Just click this link right here and you can check it out. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

If the Tips & Tricks section doesn’t satisfy your quest for more DealDash knowledge, then be sure to visit our two sister blogs, DealDash Reviews and DealDash Tips. There are new articles posted daily in an effort to help you be the best bidder possible. Good Luck and Happy Bidding, everyone!

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Theresa’s review of DealDash

Our great customer Theresa has been a DealDash customer since 2012, but has only become more active this past year. We had a chance to chat with her and she told us about her experience with DealDash. Here is what she had to say:

In 2012, I created a profile to check out DealDash, but it wasn’t until this past year that I really put any money into it to give it a good try. I must admit that there have been times where I swore off DealDash, but the allure of the fireworks seemed to keep calling me back. I’m glad I stuck with DealDash and continued my quest for figuring out what I was doing wrong and how I could do things better to be more successful in the auctions.
I love that DealDash really does feel like a community in ways. Through other people’s snippets, I get a sense there are people from all walks of life and interests on the site and we all want the same thing–a great bargain and the fireworks display when we win! I am 50-year-old mother and (young) grandmother and work full-time at a day job and do freelance work from time to time as well. I have many interests, which include writing and watching mixed martial arts, drinking good wine and the company of good friends.
Over the past six months, I have had more success on DealDash. I was able to get a Verdict watch for my dad and a Barrel Shack wine rack for my mom for Christmas and they absolutely loved them! I haven’t told my dad yet that I didn’t really pay $349 for the watch. He did want to know, however, if I had hit the Lotto. I then went on to win a Wilson & Miller mini charcoal grill for my son for his birthday. He is so thrilled and can’t wait to cook on it the next time he goes ice fishing.
I keep getting a little better at DealDash and that comes with practice and above all, patience. This usually means I lose more bids than win, but I am now getting wins more often. I have had plenty of frustrating days when I couldn’t win a thing and came “so close” to winning a big ticket item before running plum out of bids. You always know there’s a good chance you’re not going to win but you’re willing to take the chance for the entertainment factor and the chance of a great win. If you lose, you can always use the “Buy it Now” option to buy the item for its normal price and get your bids back.
So here’s my advice if you’re just getting into DealDash:  Give it some time, bid only on the items you really want (I must admit this is the hardest one for me but I am getting better at it), read the Tips & Tricks section, study the bidders to determine who to stay away from (power bidders) and use BidBuddy! Have confidence and good bidding!

DealDash BINning is Still WINning

DealDash BIN WIN

BINning a DealDash auction will save you money and earn you free bids.

You know what BIN means, right? It’s a big catchphrase around DealDash, and it means “Buy It Now.” The kind folks at DealDash have made it so no one ever has to lose money when they play on DealDash. This article will show you how to use the BIN option, and explain why you should be using it.

How Much Does It Cost To BIN?

Every single auction includes the option to BIN the product, and the BIN price is always located at the top of the auction description. The BIN price is different depending on what the retail value of the item costs. The BIN price is shown on the left-hand side when you are looking at the individual auction’s page.


How Does It Really Work?

When you don’t win the auction, DealDash will automatically place the item in your “Dashboard” in the section called “Open Buy It Now Offers.” When you want to use the BIN option, just click on the blue button that says “buy now” next to the auction’s title. You will be taken to the screen to confirm your address and payment method – Credit, Debit, or even Paypal.

After you have paid for your BIN auction you will receive all of your bids back that you have placed in the auction. If you are willing to BIN an auction you will never lose any money, because you will always receive all of your bids back. You have 1 week (7 days) to use the BIN option, otherwise it will disappear and you will not be able to get your bids back.


I hope that you have found this article helpful in learning about the option to BIN items on DealDash. Also, now that DealDash is providing product reviews right on the auction pages, you can have an even better buying experience. Now that you know about BINning and WINning, go check out the auctions. See you on DealDash  soon. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash BIN


Don’t Give Away Your Free DealDash Bids

 DealDash sad mistake

DealDash is fun to play, and luckily you can get free bids for simple tasks. Why not take the free bids?

This DealDash Blog is written to help all bidders improve their DealDash experience. Those who avoid mistakes have a much better time than those who make many mistakes, and sometimes getting free bids from DealDash makes you feel better about playing. Here’s to you having a better experience bidding and winning on DealDash while earning free bids.

Free Bids

DealDash offers many opportunities to earn free bids. They are very generous, and these opportunities are open to all bidders. Not taking advantage of all these opportunities would be a HUGE mistake. Why in the world wouldn’t you take advantage of free bids when they are offered? Take the free bids!

To avoid the mistake of not accepting the free bids from DealDash, you need to know how to get them! The most popular way to get free bids is by posting on DealDash’s Facebook page.

If you would like to earn free bids from DealDash’s Facebook, your first step should be to “Like” DealDash’s Facebook page. Click on the link right here.  After you have “Liked” the DealDash Facebook page it’s very quick and easy to earn free bids by sending in pictures of you and your wins. Here are the directions:

1.Win an item on DealDash.

2. Take a bright, clear photo with yourself and the item you won. Review the picture before you send it, assuring that both your face and the item can be seen clearly.

3. Send the photo as an attachment in the email to [email protected] and add a description that includes the following information: item name, retail price, how much you paid for the item and a personal comment about the win as well, which can be something such as “I won this $50 clock for 28 bids and $2.76, now I will never be late!”

The item value determines the amount of free bids that you will receive:

Item value is $199 or above = 350 Free Bids

Item value is $99 to $198 = 225 Free Bids

Item value is less than $99 = 30 Free Bids

As a bonus to encourage you to post pictures to Facebook, every Monday, DealDash will select the best photo from the previous week and award a 1,000 Bid Pack to the winner! Depending on the price of bids that day, that’s approximately a $150 value!! The only caveat to this is that the win must be an item that is valued at $99 or more.

DealDash Tips

Along with not accepting the free bids, another DealDash mistake that you need to avoid is not reading the DealDash Tips blog. DealDash Tips posts a new article every day, and often highlights the super sales that DealDash offers such as “Free Auction Day” and “Half-Price Auction Day.” DealDash Tips even occasionally posts bid prices days before they are common knowledge so that you can plan your purchases accordingly.

Finally, DD Tips also reveals secret “time as the highest bidder” promotions before they happen so you can “be in the know.” and wait to bid on those gift cards so you can get the maximum Time as the highest bidder “clock time” so you can earn free bids that much faster.

I hope that you found this DealDash Blog article on avoiding mistakes helpful. In summary, collect your free bids and read the DealDash Tips blog. Go check out DealDash at this link right here for some amazing auctions. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


1000 Free Bids go to…

The best photo of the week goes to Tanya.

Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the $100 BP Gas Gift Card that you won for $4.67 – Congratulations on a great deal and amazing savings on your gas expenses for this month!


Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo.  Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.

Looking forward to seeing your photos!