What’s So Different About DealDash? Part 2

As we discussed on Wednesday, DealDash is very different from their competition in many different ways. Here are some more ways that DealDash is head and shoulders above the rest.

In case you missed Wednesday’s blog here were the main differences pointed out in that blog from the competition:

  • Customer Service -DealDash customer service is awesome!
  • BIN (Buy It Now) – BIN the items for a fair price and get all of your bids back!
  • New & Unique Brands – Try out new brands that you can’t find at your local stores!

Today I am going to tell you about a few more ways that DealDash differs from the other “penny sites” out there.

  • FREE shipping – DealDash offers FREE shipping on every single item, no matter how big or how small. I was really amazed when I found that out. Other sites offer free shipping on just gift cards, or small items and have excessive “handling charges” on other items. And some sites even charge to ship gift cards! Not only do they charge to ship them, they overcharge. To ship a single gift card with a receipt in an envelope should just be the cost of 1 stamp. However, some sites are charging upwards of $2 to ship a single gift card. However, at DealDash they have shipped me large pieces of furniture (a sewing armoire, bookshelves, exercise bike, rowing machine) for absolutely 100% free.
  • Fast shipping – Not only does DealDash ship out everyone’s items for free, they ship them fast. I admit it, I have bid on countless other auction sites before I found DealDash, and some places took so long to ship my items I had totally forgotten that I had won them once the items arrived. With DealDash, I have had a few items literally arrive the next day after I had paid for my auction. That’s rare, of course, but what’s not so rare (but still awesome!) is getting the item that you paid for within 3-5 days.
  • Opportunities to get free bids – Every single winner of a DealDash auction that has been paid for an received has a chance to get free bids by posting on social media web sites. If you have Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest, you have chances to get free bids by taking photos of yourself with your winning item. Here are the instructions on how to do that, located at this link.

DealDash is wonderful site that blows the rest of the competition away. Give them a try! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


What’s So Different About DealDash?

What’s so different about DealDash? Is a question that a lot of people have asked me over the years.

Well, I’ll tell you. There is a huge difference between DealDash and a lot of the other bidding sites out there. I have tried so many different sites, some fairly similar to DealDash – as in you pay for a pack of bids, and people use bids to increase the price of the auction by 1 penny per bid. However, I have also tried out some very strange bidding models out there: There are some sites out there that each bid increases the auction by MORE than 1 penny per bid, and other sites that start off the auction at a high price and each bid DEcreases the final auction value. However, there are a lot of things about DealDash that are so great and not available on all of the other bidding sites. Here’s a short list:

  • Customer Service – Here’s where DealDash differs from all of the other bidding sites in my opinion. DealDash customer service is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The other bidding sites have customer service, of course, but DealDash’s is the BEST! Every single interaction that I’ve ever had with a customer service rep has been positive, even if it wasn’t the answer that I was hoping for.
  • BIN (Buy It Now) – BIN is an awesome feature of DealDash, the price to buy the item and get all of your bids back is very clear and transparent from the very beginning of the auction. Other bidding sites have different version of the BIN, but as I can attest to, a lot of the bidding sites other than DealDash don’t offer you the full value of your bids when you buy their auctions after not winning.
  • New and Unique Brands – If you haven’t been to DealDash recently, take a look at the new and interesting brands that they have incorporated into their website. They are some very interesting brands that are high end, and you can end up getting a really great deal on them. Some of them are items that are made in the USA, and others are exotic foreign brands.

There are so many other wonderful things about DealDash that separates them from the rest of the crowd. Please check back on Saturday and I’ll tell you some of the other great differences about our favorite bidding site! Good luck and happy bidding everyone. See you all on DealDash.com!


To be continued this Saturday…

1000 Free Bids go to…

The best photo of the week goes to Reynaldo Abagat‎. Congratulations! You just won 1000 free DealDash bids for posting this great photo of the Canon Black PowerShot SX60 HS Digital Camera (valued at $552) that you won for only a penny during our Free Auction Win promotion. Great deal!

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Have you collected your free bids for your posting your winning photos to Facebook? If not, you’re missing out on hundreds of free bids and a chance to win 1000 bids awarded weekly for the best photo.  Learn about how you can claim your free bids here.

Looking forward to seeing your photos!

Everyone Wins With DealDash

If you’re reading this as a seasoned DealDash veteran, you know how easy your first few wins on DealDash can be. If you’re a Newbie here, let me tell you all about how easy it is to win.

Your first few wins are going to be remarkably easy for you! As long as you pay attention and start small with a $10 gift card or a small item then it will be very easy for you to get a few wins under your belt. This doesn’t apply, of course, if you decide to “Go big or go home” and try to win an Xbox One or huge TV as your first win. Winning a really big and valuable prize can take a lot of time, effort, and research. However, if you are new and just starting go ahead and jump right in! DealDash has a satisfaction guarantee with your first bid pack, so there’s nothing to lose.

If you’re interested in the money back guarantee, here are the details, straight from the DealDash Terms of Service page:

No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee

Bidders on DealDash are entitled to a No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee on their first Bid Pack purchase. Should a bidder be unsatisfied with the service for any reason, they are entitled to get their entire first Bid Pack purchase fully refunded. Simply email [email protected] within 90 days and request for the refund. The refund will be credited back to you in 7 days. The refund will be granted regardless of if you have won or lost auctions, or whether you have bids left on your account or not. Only 1 refund per person.

If you have been around DealDash a little bit longer than a total Newbie, and you’ve won some easy auctions, maybe it’s time for you to branch out and try some more challenging ones. If you have found an auction that you’re interested in winning, the best plan for you is to open the actual auction page itself up and check out it’s statistics. When you are looking at an open auction page it will tell you a lot of the information that you need to know. On the left side, from top to bottom you will see the BIN (Buy It Now) price, the previous winners and what the auction ended at, and then below that you will see the bidders currently bidding on the auction.

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Once you have seen the BIN price you can decide if you’re ready to go “all the way” and BIN if you don’t win, you can see if the auction seems like it’s going to be on the higher or lower final value, and finally you can see if there is some really tough competition. Use this information, and it will help you decide if you’re ready to bid!

Good luck and happy bidding everyone! See you on DealDash.com!


Exploring Birthstones with DealDash

Are you interested in jewelry, or have a family member who is? Most women (and some men!) enjoy getting jewelry with their birthstones incorporated into the designs.

However, as someone who likes jewelry but doesn’t know a while lot about it, whenever I decide to give someone a gift of birthstone I either have to look up a chart to see which stone goes with which month, or I just ask the jeweler when I’m shopping. I find it very interesting that each month’s stones are so different from each other, and in my experience each person’s stone seems to complement them. For example, I am a February birthday, and my stone is amethyst, which is great for me, because purple is my second favorite color. If you look below, there is a simple chart of birth months and the birthstones that go with them.


You might be interested to know that the basic birthstone list that we currently use today was established in 1912 by the National Association of Jewelers to promote the sale of gemstones. Not all months had just one birthstone, either. For example, the March birthstone was bloodstone with an alternate listed as aquamarine. June had both pearl and moonstone listed; August named sardonyx and peridot; October had opal and tourmaline; and December was turquoise with the alternate being lapis. However, not all months have an alternate stone – as with February, why mess with perfection?!

Since we’re in the month of March, though, let’s talk about March’s birthstone, the aquamarine. Aquamarine has a rich color and has long been a symbol of youth, health and hope. Its mesmerizing color ranges from pale to deep blue and are reminiscent of the sea. A perfect birthstone for March, the Aquamarine creates a beautiful accent to spring and summer wardrobes. In ancient times, the aquamarine was thought to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases—all one had to do was drink the water in which the gem had been soaking. Early sailors believed that aquamarine talismans, etched with the likeness of the sea god Neptune, protected them against ocean dangers. Nowadays most people would think that’s silly, of course, but no matter how silly it is, it doesn’t take away from the beauty of March’s birthstone, the aquamarine.


If you’re in the market to do a little jewelry shopping, why not see what DealDash has to offer? DealDash often has ear rings, necklaces, bracelets, and jewelry boxes available for auction. And don’t forget, if you are bidding on an item and you don’t end up winning, you can always Buy It Now (BIN) and get all of your bids back. This is especially useful in the case of gift cards, since DealDash even provides free shipping! Good luck and happy bidding everyone!