How Many Bids Do I Need to Win?

Many players ask this question. Of course, it is impossible to answer because there are so many different variables that determine the answer. It mostly depends on the value of the auction item, how many players are bidding in the same auction and the experience level of the players. It also partly depends on what special feature DealDash is running at the time.

No one can say exactly how many bids it might take to win an auction. However, there are mathematical calculations you can do to get a good idea how many bids it might take to win a particular auction.


If you are determined to win a particular auction, you might want to base your mathematical calculations on the highest amount the auction closed at over the last several weeks. You could track it every day and record the closing cost every time it goes up for auction. You might also want to make note of the DealDash special feature when it goes high and the DealDash special feature when it goes low. By doing this, you should be able to calculate about how many bids it might take to win an auction.

Submitted by: Barbara L. Sellers

Sellers has been playing on DealDash since Feb. 8, 2012.