DealDash is all about having fun around the holidays and Easter is no different with Easter promotions. Bidders are to expect a super fun Easter Egg hunt with one-per-user Easter egg-themed bid packs. Additionally, there are even more surprises for bidders along the way!
The Great DealDash Easter Egg Hunt
An eight-day Easter Egg Hunt started on Monday on DealDash and all you have to do is win three bid packs between April 15th and April 22nd to get +1 Time as Highest Bidder added to your account for 48 hours! That means the more you bid, the more time you will have as the highest bidder during that time. You can win any bid packs up for auction—including the adorable special Easter egg-themed bid packs!
One-per-User Easter Egg-Themed Bid Packs

These one-per-user bid packs range in value from 150 bids all the way up to 2,000 bids! They’re also as cute as can be! Furthermore, winning one of these bid packs puts you one step closer to completing the Easter Egg Hunt! Watch for these bid packs several times a day!
Even More Easter Surprises on the Way!
DealDash won’t stop with just one way to celebrate the holidays. Keep your eyes peeled for not only Easter eggs, but also for special promotions, deals and auctions all the way through April 22nd. We don’t want to spoil the fun — but DealDash is promising more fun and ways to celebrate so stay tuned and Happy Easter!
Theresa B. wrote this sponsored blog post. A proud American and grandmother of two, major MMA fan, writer and ardent practitioner of sarcastic wit. Theresa was compensated by DealDash for this post.
Real DealDash customers wrote this blog. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.