What three words make kids groan and parents smile? I guess the title kind of gives it away — BACK TO SCHOOL!!
The summer is winding down, and if you have been out shopping at any of the big box retailers lately I’m sure you have seen that they have put up their Back to School displays up. Even though I wasn’t the best student and I wasn’t really that crazy about school I LOVED school supplies. Whenever my parents and I would go into a store in August and see the Back to School displays I would always get excited. New backpack! New calculator! New notebooks with something cute on the front! But what if your little one isn’t so excited about starting school? Here are some tips to get your little one more comfortable with the idea.
For most small kids their biggest source of anxiety is “Will I like my new teacher?” If your child’s school has one, open house or back-to-school night is a great way for your child to meet their new teacher, and maybe even some kids in their new class. If your school doesn’t have an open house night before school starts try to at least find the teacher’s picture on a school website or in a yearbook, so your child can put a name with a face. There are other worries, of course, but this particular one ranks up there as number one.
Another big fear that kids can have before school starts is “Will I make any friends?” If you live in a neighborhood, try taking a walk around the neighborhood after dinner to see if you can find any families outside with kids the same age to chat about school with. Best case scenario they have a child that will be in the same class as your child, but if not, perhaps you can at least secure your child a “bus buddy” to sit with the first day of school.
Now here comes the fun part! Get the class supply list from your child’s school and take a special shopping trip with him/her. Having the right tools will help them feel prepared and ready to learn. While keeping basic items in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like a cool backpack or a cute re-usable lunch bag. These simple extras make going back to school a lot more fun.
If you’ve been on DealDash this week you might have noticed that they are having a Back to School promotion going on right now! The bids are on sale, but the best part is that all auction wins are HALF OFF! Check out the Home & Office category on DealDash for some great school and office supplies. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!