The Best Parts About DealDash

  There are a lot of great things about DealDash. Let’s talk about the best ones.

DealDash has a lot of features that are unique to the brand. No one does it quite like DealDash. Here are some of my top picks for the best things about DealDash.

Number one on my “Best of” list is of course the BidBuddy! BidBuddy is a special feature that DealDash has that no one else can even come close to having. The BidBuddy is one of those great things about DealDash that you aren’t going to be able to get anywhere else. The reason that the BidBuddy is on my “Best of” of list is that the BidBuddy is the best tool around to help you win auctions. Just load him up with as many bids as you are willing to spend on a certain item and let him bid on the auction for you. You don’t need to sit there and stare at the auction, you don’t even have to turn on your computer!

Another thing that makes my DealDash “Best of” list is DealDash’s social media. DealDash is on all of the most popular social media outlets – Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+. You can earn free bids by posting pictures to different the social media outlets. Getting easy free bids from social media is definitely something that qualifies as “Best of!” DealDash’s social media isn’t all about getting free bids, though. If you go to any of the social media outlets you can see a variety of different information posted such as what bid sale is going on, who is winning the best auctions, and many different blog subjects.

Finally, another thing that I think is the best about DealDash is that they are open 24/7. Picture it: Thursday, 3AM – you’ve got insomnia. The rest of your family is asleep, there’s nowhere open in your town to go waste some time, it’s too dark to go outside for a walk…Go on DealDash!! Being open 24/7 is definitely not something that a lot of the other auction places can claim. It’s very frustrating to be awake with bids to spend and no auctions to bid upon! With DealDash you never have that problem. DealDash is the best!



I hope that this article reminds you of all of the things that are so uniquely awesome to DealDash. If you’re interested in reading some tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!