Six Amazingly Romantic Valentine’s Day Gifts You Can Bid on DealDash

When it comes to romance and imagination, DealDash is just the place for finding just the right gift to impress your Valentine. All it takes is a quick browse on DealDash to figure out something your loved one will treasure. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites!

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Five DealDash Resolutions You Should Make in 2019

I’ve been DealDashing for years now and there’s one thing that really helps me re-set myself as a successful auction winner and that is taking a look at how and why I bid and making a few New Years resolutions to get more wins. Here are my top five resolutions for 2019.

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Less than 30 Days Until Christmas! Tips for Holiday Shopping on DealDash

My granddaughter went to the calendar just the other day to count the number of days before Christmas. She then proceeded to excitedly tell me there were only 38 days until Christmas—however, upon the recount, I discovered she had counted incorrectly and there are actually less than 30 days to get my shopping done, wrapped and under there tree. If you’re cutting things close, here are a few tips and tricks for DealDash bidding to get you to your goals:

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Strategies for Today’s Promotion: No New Bidders After $10

DealDash usually gives its bidders some great opportunities with No New Bidders After $5 on a regular day and frequently offers the No New Bidders After $3 promotions, but today they are offering an unprecedented No New Bidders After $10 promotion. This is exciting news for several reasons and here are a few key strategies to navigating this promotion.

DealDash usually gives its bidders some great opportunities with No New Bidders After $5 on a regular day and frequently offers the No New Bidders After $3 promotions, but today they are offering an unprecedented No New Bidders After $10 promotion. This is exciting news for several reasons and here are a few key strategies to navigating this promotion.

Back to School sale on DealDash
Back to School sale on DealDash this week
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Start Your Holiday Wish List Now and Get Winning on DealDash

More than half of the year has already passed us by and we are now in the thick of summer but before you know it, Christmas will literally be just around the corner! As much as you may not want to think about the fact that there are just five months to the biggest holiday of the year, let’s talk reality and how getting your Christmas wish list together, bidding and winning on DealDash now can save you a lot of time, money and hassle later.

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