Did you make any New Year’s resolutions for 2021? Many folks think that the beginning of the year is the perfect time to swear off junk food, join a gym, or take up a new hobby. While it’s true we can commit to something new anytime of the year, an estimated 140 million Americans say they are planning on making at least one New Year’s resolution. The most popular choice for a New Year’s resolution is improving health, followed by making more money and then focusing on family.

All of those things are important, but it seems like some folks may not have their priorities straight! Whatever your resolutions are, hopefully you are still chasing your goals for 2021, and the futuristic version of yourself is emerging! But what about futuristic shopping? As you might have guessed, here at DealDash we have some goals and big plans for 2021, too!
Happy Birthday to…us!
When is your birthday? Do you share your birthday with anyone famous? Our birthday is coming up soon! We share our birthday month with a lot of important historical figures including Galileo, Rosa Parks, and George Washington! It is coming this February and we have some big plans for our 12th birthday celebration. To begin with, a single day is not nearly enough time to celebrate our birthday, so we will be celebrating for a week, from February 22nd to February 28th! When you turned 12, you might have enjoyed a nice cake and hitting a piñata.

We love celebrating our birthday by giving back even more to our beloved bidders. You can enjoy 2X, 3x, and even 4X Time As Highest Bidder multipliers during our birthday week. You will also get to open a daily present with rewards and we have planned daily Flash Sales too. These flash sales offer great discounts on bids, Time as Highest Multipliers and other perks! Be sure to check it out and enjoy some futuristic shopping.
Living in a bidder’s paradise
Starting this April 1st, you will find yourself in a bidder’s paradise on DealDash. No April Fools prank here, just huge discounts, new items, and rewards for you! Our Bidders Paradise promotion will show you a glimpse of what we think futuristic shopping should look like on DealDash.

We don’t want to spoil the fun by giving away all the secrets of our upcoming Bidder’s Paradise, but you can expect increased Time As Highest Bidder multipliers, discounts on bid pack and Buy It Now prices, and exciting new items to bid on. 2020 was a tough year for many, and we sincerely hope that 2021 is better for everyone. Jump on DealDash to take part in some of the exciting celebrations we have planned, and enjoy a taste of some futuristic shopping.
Giving To Those In Need
You might recall we ran a charity event in late 2020 – early 2021. Our aim was to help those potentially facing hunger. We promised to donate one meal for every purchase made on DealDash between 12/28 and 1/3. The charity campaign was a great success and we managed to donate a total of 24,447 meals to families in need. The donation was made to Feeding America.
You can read more about the results of the charity campaign from our press release page on DealDash.
If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2021” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.