DealDash Outperforms All Sites (Part 1)

DealDash for the WIN

Do you use any other auction sites? Here’s why DealDash is better.

 There are many different auction and shopping sites out there on the World Wide Web, and DealDash is just one in a sea of many. However, DealDash has many excellent features and quirks that make it a very special site, and one that’s worthy of your time and attention.

What Should You Compare in a Site?

 There are many things that you should compare when you are deciding where to spend your hard-earned dollars, and the fact that you are doing research before you decide shows that you are a very savvy shopper. When choosing an entertainment shopping site, you should be looking at:
  •  Cost of individual bids
  • Number of bids in a bid package
  • Ease of winning auctions
  • Competition, i.e. Power Bidders
  • Response time from customer service
  • Solutions to problems from customer service

DealDash has Answers

Now that you know what you should be looking for in a shopping entertainment site, I am going to go through each and every item on that list and let you know how DealDash fares among other bidding sites.

  •  Cost of individual bids – DealDash bids fluctuate in price. The highest that I have ever seen bids sell for on DealDash is .60, and the lowest I have ever seen them go is .12. They are usually in the neighborhood of .14-.17. Other “pay to play” auction sites consistently charge .60-$1 per bid. Winner? DealDash.


  • Number of bids in a bid package – DealDash sells a variety of bid packs ranging from around 60 to 2400 bids. Other websites have similar amounts in their bid packages. Winner? Tie.


  • Ease of winning auctions – DealDash auctions are easy when you first start and get progressively harder as you bid on better and more expensive items. Other sites don’t have a “breaking in” period and throw the newbies straight in with the Power Bidders. Not fair. Winner? DealDash.


  • Competition, i.e. Power Bidders – All auction sites have Power Bidders. However, since DealDash has fairly strict winning limits the Power Bidders usually max out their limits fairly quickly and then have to sit out until their limits re-start themselves. Winner? Tie/DealDash.


  • Response time from customer service – DealDash has lightning fast customer service. I have had responses within minutes, and I’ve never waited more than 24 hours for a returned email. Other sites have emailed me back within a day, others have taken a few days, and some never emailed me back about my concerns. Winner? DealDash.


  • Solutions to problems from customer service – DealDash has the best and the nicest customer service reps around. I have spoken to quite a few of them on the phone and through email, and every single solitary one has been polite, knowledgeable, and friendly. Other sites, not so much. I actually had one customer service rep from a different site (No, I’m not going to name the site!) insult me when I said that I didn’t care to purchase $1,000 worth of bids that day. Winner? Clearly DealDash.

So you see from the questions and answers above, DealDash is the clear winner when you are comparing the different bidding sites around the web. Please stay tuned to the DealDash Blog, because Part 2 of “DealDash Outperforms All Sites” will be posted here on Saturday. If you can’t wait for more DealDash information, please check out our other blogs – DealDash Tips and DealDash Reviews. Until then, visit DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!
