Discover a Wonderland of Online Auctions

You might read the title of this blog and think that it’s a little late to be talking about a wonderland. After all, the word wonderland is most commonly associated with winter. You can thank Bing Crosby for this association: He sang perhaps one of the most famous Christmas songs of all time, Winter Wonderland, released in 1962.

Or maybe, the word wonderland reminds you of a young girl named Alice who went down the rabbit hole and met a cheshire cat and played croquete with flamingo.

An illustration depicts Alice in Wonderland watching flamingos and interaxting with the cheshire cat.
DealDash offers a different kind of wonderland from what brave Alice experienced!

Lewis Carroll’s famous book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published in 1862. It depicts a magical land that is not bound by the rules of the everyday world that we know. The wonderland that Carroll dreamt up is so fantastical that the book has been adapted into countless theatrical works and films and is still popular today, over 150 years after it was written!

We’ve not been around long enough to celebrate 150 years of online auction awesomeness, but we have celebrated some important anniversaries and are looking forward to many more! So while we cannot compete with the longevity of Bing Crosby’s Winter Wonderland, or the world that Lewis Carroll dreamt up for Alice, we feel we have a very special Wonderland to tell you about; our Auction Wonderland Promotion that is happening this week (January 30th through February 5th).

And if you’re busy this week, don’t fret. Next week you can discover all sorts of exciting online auctions during DealDash’s Discovery Week!

An online auction wonderland

This week DealDash is transformed into an auction wonderland that would make Alice’s head spin. For starters, bids are on sale all week, with prices as low as 12 cents per bid! The bid price does vary—bids are not 12 cents each all week. So be sure to check from time to time this week to give yourself a chance to buy bids at the lowest possible price.

A DealDash promotional banner advertises their ongoing Auction Wonderland sale.

You will also notice some exciting twists to the DealDash online auctions that you already know and love.

For starters, there is an increased Time as Highest Bidder multiplier of up to 3X being offered on select days. This means that you will fill up your bidding meter more quickly and be fastracked to higher bidding levels and more free bids.

Also, you can enjoy two other popular types of online auctions; our Leaderboard Auctions and Runner-up Auctions. Leaderboard auctions give free bids to those who collect the most Time as Highest Bidder in an auction, and the Runner-up auctions give a special Buy It Now discount to the ibdder who finishes in 2nd place.

A week to discover online auctions and new items

Next Monday marks the start of DealDash’s Discovery Week Event. This exciting promotion offers bidpacks on sale and also the exciting online auction twists seen this week during the Auction Wonderland Sale, like Runer-up auctions and Leaderboard auctions. But that is not all. Discovery week gets its name from the fact that there are many exciting products and online auctions for you to participate in.

Variety is the name of the game during Discovery Week, and you will notice a very high number of different items to bid on. Unlike auction blasts, where many auctions for the same item all begin at once, Discovery Week will have auctions for many different items running at the same time. In other words, you will have a lot of different items to choose from because DealDash’s great item selection that you already enjoy is taken to the next level. From jewelry to watches to tools to electronics, odds are that you will be able to find it in a DealDash online auction during Discovery Week.

We even will have an auction for a new car starting next week, so be sure to visit DealDash to see what DealDash auto auction is coming next.

An illustration shows a happy couple celebrating the gift of a new car!
Be sure to visit DealDash during Discovery Week to see the latest dream automobile that DealDash has up for auction.

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2023” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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Together we raised $8,491 for the American Red Cross

The whole DealDash Team would like to give a heartfelt thank you to each and every bidder that paid for an auction win on Thursday, December 15th.

On the 15th, we ran a special promotion where the sum of all won auction payments (excluding cars) would be donated to Red Cross America to help folks in need.

And with your help, we raised $8,491! The wonderful community of DealDashers paid for 884 auctions on December 15th, which made such an amazing and generous donation possible.

So once again, on behalf of all of us here at DealDash, thanks again for coming through and making this year’s charity promotion the best one yet.

We wish you a prosperous and joyous holiday season, and a very happy New Year.

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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Let’s Work Together To Help a Noble Cause

The holidays should be the happiest time of the year. A time where people can come together to create special moments as the stress of everyday life fades away. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences the holidays this way. How can someone worry about what New Year’s party to attend when their home was destroyed by a natural disaster?

Sometimes it’s too easy to forget about the struggles that others are facing. In an effort to try and make the Holiday Season as good as it can be for those going through tough times, we are working with the American Red Cross to assist those in need. And we want you to help by participating in a very special promotion this Thursday.

DealDash will donate the fnal sum of all auction wins (excluding car auctions) that are paid for on December 15th to the American Red Cross. This means that you can donate to a very special cause simply by bidding and winning as you normally do. Just pay for your wins on December 15th and we will take care of the rest.

A flyer announces DealDash donating to the Red Cross this year.
Pay for your auction wins on Thursday, December 15th to help us donate to the American Red Cross.

More about the American Red Cross

There are many charities that offer help American’s in need. In fact, DealDash has offered special promotions in the past that donate to charity. Last year, we donated to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation which gives gear and equipment to firehouses and response teams.

This year, we are proud to be able to help the American Red Cross in their mission. If you are not familiar with the values of the American Red Cross, their mission statement is worth reading. To summarize, the American Red Cross follows a set of values that they call the “Five Cs”: Compassionate, Credible, Collaborative, Committed, and Creative.

They are compassionate in serving those in need and treating them with care and respect.

They are credible in that they act with integrity and are transparent.

They are collaborative by partnering with outside organizatoins and companies, and embracing diversity and inclusiveness.

They are committed to holding themselves accountable and delivering on their mission.

And lastly, they are creative in seeking out new ways to serve those in need.

These are inspiring values that we here at DealDash are proud to contribute to. And we sincerely hope that you will join us in our mission this year to help the American Red Cross.

So remember, DealDash is donating the entire sum of all auction wins paid for this Thursday (excluding car auctions) to the American Red Cross.

Pay for your auction wins on Thursday, December 15th, to help donate.

Be sure to check back here next week to read about how this donation promotion turned out.

Happy Holidays and happy bidding!

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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The Biggest Holiday Week of the Year

Today marks the start of a special week for Americans. It’s the week where you can watch giant floats of your favorite cartoon characters march through the streets of New York in the annual Macy’s Parade. It’s the week where an estimated 46 million turkeys are eaten across the USA. And last but not least, it’s the week where over 140 million Americans wake up early and go battle the crowds as most businesses hold their largest sales events of the year.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s Thanksgiving and Black Friday Week!

A bountiful thanksgiving dinner sits on a table.
From all your friends here at DealDash, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

You probably have a good idea about how to celebrate Thanksgiving; the main star of the day should be food. Turkey, mashed potatoes, carrot casarol , stuffing, bread rolls, and pumpkin pie…these are the familiar culinary staples that grace most American tables on Thanksgiving day. Apart from the food, there are other annual Thanksgiving traditions too. The Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys have been playing football games on Thanksgiving day since 1934! The link between Thanksgiving and Football is so deep, that once the New York Herald Newspaper called Thanksgiving the official holiday for watching football.

But what about Black Friday? How should you be celebrating the massive shopping day that takes place the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving? It’s obvious that you will be shopping, but where? What are the best Black Friday traditions? If you ask us, there is no need for you to wake up early, drive all around town and battle crowds this Black Friday. Instead, sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, and go shopping from the comfort of your own home on DealDash!

This Year we have put together a Black Friday Sale that is the shopping event of the year! And best of all, unlike most stores that limit their Black Friday events to a single day, our Black Friday Sale is lasts all week!

A website image advertives DealDash's Black Friday Sale.
DealDash’s Black Friday Sale has it all!

Great gift ideas in liquidation auctions

All this week during our Black Friday sale, will will feature liquidation auctions for great gift ideas. This is your last opportunity to bid on and win these items before they are gone for good. New items are constantly arriving to our warehouses, which means we need to make room for them! This is where our liquidation auctions come in. Need a professional-quality chef’s knife? Great! DealDash has 3 dozen auctions on Monday for that. Need some new kitcheware? We have 40 auctions scheduled for a classy wooden serving platter that comes complete with two cups.

A beautifully-wrapped gift sits and waits to be opened.
Our Black Friday Sale is a great chance to get your holiday shopping done – from the comfort of your own home!

And is there someone on your holiday shopping list who would like to receive some perfume as a gift? If so, then check out DealDash this Sunday! We have outdone ourselves yet again and scheduled one hundred (100!) liquidation auctions for perfume – all taking place this Sunday.

A few extra surprises thrown in on top

If a full slate of special liquidation auctions is not enough to get you to bid this week, then there is more you should know about our Black Friday Sale. The most popular types of auctions and promotions will also be available this week. For starters, bids are on sale all week. Depending on the day, you will find them on sale for somewhere between 11 cents and 14 cents per bid.

Get on DealDash this week and you can be a happy shopper,too!

This week you can also participate in Leaderoard Auctions that award free bids to bidders, and Runner Up auctions that give a prize for the second place finisher of an auction. And finally, the No Jumper Limit is varying; you will see it set to different levels in different auctions.

The entire DealDash Team wants to give thanks for havinf a great group of customers that we love working for, and we hope that you and your loved ones have lots to be thankful for, too!

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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Don’t Miss DealDash’s Retro Revival Sale!

You’re probably familiar with the phrase, “Out with the old, and in with the new.” It’s a very popular mindset. Just pay attention to the commercials the next time you are watching TV. You’ll see ads for new types of cars, smart watches, and video games. You might even see a commercial advertising a new type of money! Most holiday sales will be featuring the newest and hottest items of the season, and we probably will too at some point this Autumn. But not this week. This week is all about the classics, the vintage, the retro. That’s right, it is DealDash’s Retro Revival Sale, and it is happening right now!

A bright image of a man holding a boom box shows that retro style is new and cool again!
Get out your CD player and your neon jacket: Retro style is back!

This week on DealDash, bidders can enjoy discount bid packs, a varying No Jumper Limit, special auctions like Leaderboards Auctions, and auctions for retro items, like a Playstation 1 and vintage-style home appliances!

A colorful banner advertises DealDash's Retro Revival Sale!
DealDash’s Retro Revival Sale is underway!

Check out auctions for new retro items!

This week on DealDash during the Retro Revival Sale there are special auctions for great retro products that have not been available in our auctions until now.

Let’s start with video games – one of the most popular gift categories year after year. In fact, Americans have been playing more video games than ever! It is estimated that in 2021 alone, Americans spent over 51 Billion dollars on video games! In DealDash’s Retro Revival Sale, you will see several different video game systems up for auction, including one of the most popular video gaming systems of all time, the original Playstation!

Video games are a very popular holiday gift for children of all ages!

Retro items have become a very popular option for home decoration. One neat trend are items that both look vintage but also serve a purpose. You can see a few of these items this week on DealDash.

How about a classic-looking mini fridge that looks like it is straight out of the 1950’s? This item can hold up to 10 cans of your favorite drink, and its bright red and while colors will make you think you are in a vintage American soda fountain.

A sign advertises ice-cold drinks.
What would you keep in a retro mini fridge?

One item you will see on DealDash this week is a camera that blends retro style with modern technology – the best of both worlds! This camera has a vintage look, and would make a great centerpiece on a coffee table or shelf when not in use. But when it is put to the test, it can take pictures and then instantly print them! However, it is not just a replica of old-school polaroid cameras that also printed photos instantly. This camera has a companion app you can use on your smartphone to preview your pictures before you print them. You can even crop your pictures or add a stylistic border! This camera would make a great gift for a lucky friend or family member, or perhaps it would make a great gift for you!

Photography is timeless – it is always in style.

Don’t miss out on special auctions this week

In addition to the auctoins for great retro items, there is even more excitement packed into DealDash’s Retro Revival Sale. Some of our favorite special auction types are back. This week you can participate in Leaderoard Auctions that award free bids to bidders, and you will also notice that the No Jumper Limit is varying; you will see it set to different levels in different auctions. And last but certainly not least, you will find bids on sale for as low as 12 cents per bid this week.

Good taste (and great deals!) never go out of style, so we hope you enjoy our retro-themed auctions and promotions this week. Happy bidding!

If you are new to DealDash or the bidding fee online auction model and want to give it a try, use the promo code “dealdash2022” upon registration to get an extra 100 free bids with your first Bid Pack purchase.

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