Everyday people save big bucks on great brand name products by bidding on DealDash’s auctions, and every week hundreds of new users at DealDash win their first auctions. But bidding is just like any other skill, and it takes practice and patience to learn. While some people might come to DealDash with a wealth of experience, other might never have placed a bid in their lives! So where do you begin your training? What’s the first thing that you should look for?
A good place to start is knowing what you want to win. Users benefit from using DealDash because they are essentially able to decide how much a certain product is worth to them and then go out and get it, and BETTER BARGAINS come to those who are BETTER AT BARGAINING. Part of being good at bargaining is examining the situation, analyzing it, and figuring out how you can come out on top. So once you decide what you want to win, you can start figuring out WHEN you want to win it, and more importantly, HOW MUCH you want to pay.
“When” can be an important determinant, and many DealDashers don’t use this factor quite as often as they should. This is because the perfect “when” isn’t necessarily at a particular time of the day (but this can also quite important), but at a time that people aren’t going to be focusing their bids in the same place as you. So a good tip, one known only by a few, is to look for a time when similar products will be up for auctions at once.
A good example would be tablets. People love bidding on tablets, and DealDash is a fantastic place to buy them. Like many products on the site, tablets often sell for only a small fraction of their retail value. And because there are so many different kinds of tablets available on DealDash, there’s lots of chances to win. Recently three tablets were featured in auctions that started within a couple of hours of one another, and these opportunities present an excellent time to snag one for cheap!
The first tablet was a Barnes & Noble – NOOK HD, which retails for $270. The second was a Samsung Galaxy Note (retail price $450), and the third was an Apple iPad with Retina Display (retail value $600). While these three tablets all have different retail values, they all belong the same general product category, which means they’ll interest a lot of the same people. Patterns like this can often spread out the interest of users and present them with several chances to bid on a product they like at the same time. In this scenario, the iPad drew the most interest from bidders, which therefore makes it the most expensive and most difficult of the three to win. And since many tablet shoppers were busy trying to win the iPad, the Nook and Note made great targets for the savvy bidders content with getting a lower valued tablet, but at a bigger discount!
Now this approach won’t work for everyone, and obviously if you’ve gotta have that Retina Display it’s pointless bidding on anything else. But studying the auctions and looking for opportunities like the one described above teachers bidders the value of planning ahead and thinking about what the other users are going to do on the site, which is an invaluable exercise (especially for people learning how to use the site). Many products (such as tablets, gift cards, and even bid packs) are auctioned off quite frequently, and so it’s always worth taking a few minutes to browse through upcoming auctions to look for your chance to get not just a bargain, but an outright steal!
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With a 100% satisfaction guarantee on your initial bid pack purchase, trying DealDash is a risk free proposition. DealDash customers regularly save 60-90 percent on the products featured in DealDash auctions, so get in on these great bargains and sign up now!