Baby Talk: What Should a New Mom Bring to the Hospital?

No matter if you are a first-time mom or a mom of many (or a dad or grandparent!) it’s smart to be prepared with a bag packed to take to the hospital when it’s time to deliver the new baby.

There are many things that you are going to need to pack into the bag to go to the hospital, but the very first thing that you are going to need is a bag, of course! I suggest using a duffle-style bag instead of a suitcase. I feel that a duffle bag is much easier to store when you don’t need it anymore, as well as being useful for many other things such as for sports/gym, trip to the beach, etc.



The first few things that I would advise you to pack in your hospital bag are some comfortable PJs or nightgown, robe, thick comfortable socks, and slippers. Of course the hospital will provide you a hospital gown to wear while you are there, but they are thin, scratchy, and uncomfortable. And besides that, you aren’t sick, you’re having a baby! There’s no reason why you can’t be cute and comfortable in your own clothing instead of the hospital-issued ones.



The hospital will also provide a hat, blanket, and tiny gown for your baby to wear. These items are great keepsakes, and very serviceable for your baby to wear while you are there. You might want to pack a special outfit for them to wear to leave the hospital, though, especially if you know the grandparents will be waiting with the camera to take a bunch of pictures.

Speaking of pictures, it’s a great idea to bring a digital camera and camcorder to the hospital with you. Most people have cell phones to take pictures and video, but I find that the quality is just not as good as  a full-sized digital camera and/or camcorder can provide. Trust me, you will take tons of pictures and video, and you will want to cherish these memories forever.



You may or may not want to bring your own toiletries. The hospital will provide them for you, but they are definitely not high quality, and I was very glad that I packed my own toothbrush/paste, hairbrush, lip balm, and deodorant. If your baby’s father is going to be staying the night with you at the hospital be sure that he packs toiletries, too!


After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of what types of things that a new mom should be bringing to the hospital when she gives birth. How about starting your hospital bag shopping on DealDash? They have all types of items in many different categories there, check out the Toys, Kids, & Baby section to find some awesome products. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Baby Talk: Dinner Time!

Figuring out when to switch your baby from milk or formula and puréed baby food to table foods can be a tricky thing. With the right information and tools you can make the transition easily and keep your baby happy and healthy.

If you were to ask your pediatrician, she or he would probably recommend that you begin to transition your baby from jarred (or homemade) baby food to table foods around 9 months of age. The goal is to have your baby mostly eating table foods rather than formula and baby foods by the time they hit their first birthday. Of course, every child is different, some get their teeth sooner or later than others do, and some children are more food-motivated than their peers. The idea isn’t to force your baby into something they aren’t ready for – the goal is a healthy baby who is happy to eat a variety of foods.


The transition from baby food to table food can be a bit of an adjustment for some children and their parents. Some babies are happy to eat the jarred baby food, and some (like my daughter!) just couldn’t wait to eat table foods and would grab at just about anything on a plate that she could get her sticky little hands on. A fear that many parents have is the fear of their child choking. It instills a bit of terror in the hearts of many Moms and Dads everywhere. Here is a list of foods that can help ease the transition and help keep everyone happy.

1- Fresh fruit. Peeled and cut up into small pieces fresh fruit makes a great first table food. Apples and pears are great hand foods for your child to handle as long as they are cut up into small pieces. These are delicious and totally healthy, too.

2- Vegetables. Steamed and cut up into small pieces vegetables are a big hit with a lot of kids. Some other veggies to try are mashed regular or sweet potatoes, sweet potato french fries  baked in the oven, steamed broccoli or green beans, and just about every kid loves peas, fresh or even frozen.

3- Carbs. Toast, waffles, pancakes, bagels, pasta… All tasty, and just about all kids love them. These will probably be big hits at first as the flavors won’t be too over powering.

4- Breakfast foods. In addition to the carbs mentioned above, other breakfast foods such as cereal (dry or wet), scrambled eggs, and even tiny pieces of bacon can be a tasty treat for your little one.

If you’re still a bit wary of making a plate of table food for your baby and turning them loose, there are some different products made to make the transition easier for you and your little one. Here are some of the most popular options:

Baby Food Grinder: You can grind softer foods like bananas, pasta, steamed veggies, avocado.  Put a small amount of anything that you are eating into the grinder and  turn the arm and it is ground up and ready for your little one to eat.  Because it  grinds the foods into such small particles there is little worry of your little one choking.

Mash and Serve Bowl: You can mash foods like potatoes, beans, steamed veggies, fruits, eggs. You mash the food and serve your child right from the bowl, eliminating dirtying up and extra dish.

Fresh Food Feeder: You can put just about anything from fresh fruits to meat into the mesh bag and let your child feed themselves. This is also great when they are teething, you can put frozen fruit into it to help with teething pains.


After reading this article I hope that you have a better idea of when and how to switch your baby over to table foods. If you are in need of anything for your baby, including kitchen items check out DealDash. Try the Toys, Kids, & Baby section to see what awesome baby products they have coming up. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


The Early Bird Gets the Good Deal on DealDash


I am similar to most people on DealDash, I think – we all love to shop! And one of the most satisfying shopping experiences that a person can have is to be completely done with all of their Christmas shopping by the end of November.

I was able to do this last year with a little help from DealDash, but this year it’s going to be even easier. I’ll let you guys in on a little secret…Starting Monday August 10th DealDash is running their “Early Christmas Gift Sale” promotion! It runs all week, and includes discounted bids as well as 2x Highest Bidder time!

Since you have a couple of days until this promotion starts maybe you should start thinking about what your friends and family might like for Christmas this year. I have 2 small kids (and 1 on the way!) so I am pretty in tune with what the infant-to-elementary school age is interested in, and I have been doing my research on the best gifts for this year. Here is a quick run-down of what I think are some of the most entertaining things that your kids or grand kids would love to get as a gift:

Baby to Toddler


Babies and toddlers absolutely LOVE stuffed animals- and even better than plain stuffed animals are ones that sing, talk, and make other noises when you press their buttons. However, my daughter has a few of these from her younger days, and they are still cuddly even though they are basically stuffed robots.



My daughter is now preschool-aged, and some of her favorite things are Minnie Mouse, her kid’s laptop, and her tablet. She also loves outdoor water toys and dolls that she can dress up, too.



Grade K-3

My son falls into this category, and some of his favorite things are robots, radio-controlled (RC) cars & trucks, and of course his bike! He tells me that Doc McStuffins is popular with the girls in his class.



Grade 4-6

Most of the kids in upper elementary grades are growing out of toys by this age, but I can definitely think of a few things they might enjoy, such as a Remote Helicopter/drone, an iTunes gift card, or if you’re feeling really generous an iPad mini would bring a smile to just about any kid’s face!


Hopefully I have given you a few ideas that got you into the gift-giving spirit. All of these things and way more can be found on DealDash, mostly in the Toys, Kids, & Baby section. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!


Back to School with DealDash

What three words make kids groan and parents smile? I guess the title kind of gives it away — BACK TO SCHOOL!!

The summer is winding down, and if you have been out shopping at any of the big box retailers lately I’m sure you have seen that they have put up their Back to School displays up. Even though I wasn’t the best student and I wasn’t really that crazy about school I LOVED school supplies. Whenever my parents and I would go into a store in August and see the Back to School displays I would always get excited. New backpack! New calculator! New notebooks with something cute on the front! But what if your little one isn’t so excited about starting school? Here are some tips to get your little one more comfortable with the idea.


For most small kids their biggest source of anxiety is “Will I like my new teacher?” If your child’s school has one, open house or back-to-school night is a great way for your child to meet their new teacher, and maybe even some kids in their new class. If your school doesn’t have an open house night before school starts try to at least find the teacher’s picture on a school website or in a yearbook, so your child can put a name with a face. There are other worries, of course, but this particular one ranks up there as number one.

Another big fear that kids can have before school starts is “Will I make any friends?” If you live in a neighborhood, try taking a walk around the neighborhood after dinner to see if you can find any families outside with kids the same age to chat about school with. Best case scenario they have a child that will be in the same class as your child, but if not, perhaps you can at least secure your child a “bus buddy” to sit with the first day of school.

Now here comes the fun part! Get the class supply list from your child’s school and take a special shopping trip with him/her. Having the right tools will help them feel prepared and ready to learn. While keeping basic items in mind, allow for a couple of splurges like a cool backpack or a cute re-usable lunch bag. These simple extras make going back to school a lot more fun.


If you’ve been on DealDash this week you might have noticed that they are having a Back to School promotion going on right now! The bids are on sale, but the best part is that all auction wins are HALF OFF! Check out the Home & Office category on DealDash for some great school and office supplies. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Living Healthy: Eating Well, Even on a Budget

Welcome back to DealDash Blog’s Living Healthy series. Today’s blog is all about sharing ideas of how you can eat healthfully, even when you’re on a budget.

Most people have a basic idea of what it means to be a healthy eater – everyone is familiar with the Food Pyramid from elementary school, right? The problem is, sometimes making healthy food choices can really put a strain on your budget, especially if you are feeding a family of four or even more. Luckily, I have some easy strategies for you to try to incorporate into your daily life.


1 – Meal Planning. Strategy number one is really important to staying on budget – when you plan your meals out ahead of time (I like to do a week’s worth at a time) it allows you to buy healthy food in bulk at your local wholesale club and spread the goodness out over multiple meals. For example, if I were to buy the single mixed-greens bag of salad at the local supermarket it would cost me approximately $3, and last my family of four for just one meal. However, if I plan my meals ahead of time and I know that we are going to have salads three nights in the upcoming week I can buy the large box of mixed-greens at the wholesale club for $6 and have enough salad for all three nights. See? I just saved myself $3 by planning ahead.


2- Home Cooking. Strategy number two is really beneficial for both your health and your wallet. If my family of four decided that we would all like to have lasagna and we went to any of the mid-priced Italian restaurants in my area we would spend approximately $60 (I live right outside of Boston, it might be cheaper near you), and in addition to that the lasagna would most likely be made with lots of oil, white pasta, and full-fat cheese. However, if I were to make the exact same meal at home it costs less than $15, and I am able to use fat-free cheese, whole wheat pasta noodles, and even substitute some of the ricotta for cottage cheese. It tastes absolutely delicious, and it’s very healthy as well. In a quest to get my children to eat more veggies I also add mushrooms, diced tomatoes, and zucchini slices (Shhhhh…Don’t tell!)


3- Farmer’s Markets. Strategy number three may or may not work for you depending on where you live. In my area, there is a farmer’s market going on in my town and every small town around me. When you go to the farmer’s market you are getting delicious fruits and veggies that are extremely fresh because they are grown locally. In addition to that, the prices are definitely better than any supermarket around, especially if there are multiple vendors selling the same fruits and veggies. If you want to make your trip to the farmer’s market even healthier, try walking there! The weather is beautiful in August, and the fresh air is great for your body and mind.


I hope this article has encouraged you to try some of my strategies for living healthy on a budget. If you’re interested in getting some items to help you with cooking at home head on over to DealDash. DealDash has food processors, stand mixers, cookware, and plenty of other items that you can use. Check out the Kitchen & Appliances category and I’m sure that you’ll find something that you can use to make you and your family a little bit healthier. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!