Planning Christmas Presents with DealDash

DealDashBlack Friday is over, it’s time to finish off your Christmas shopping. Join me on DealDash!

What have you been thinking about getting your friends and family for Christmas? Have you checked to see if DealDash has it? If you’ve already done some Christmas shopping, then it’s time to finish it up on DealDash so you can start wrapping things up! Read on for more information from DealDash below.

How Many Items Do You Need to Get?

What are you trying to win as a present for your friend or family member? If you would like to get all of your family members the same thing, such as the same necklace or pair of earrings for your mother and sisters, you might not be able to do that. DealDash has winning limits in place so that no one has an unfair advantage over other DealDash members. If you’re not familiar with DealDash winning limits, they are as follows:

  • You may win the same item only once per week.
  • A few auctions are restricted only to users who have never won a “One-Per-User” auction. They are clearly marked.

In the example above, I mentioned that you might not be able to get your mother and your sister all the same earrings for a present this season. Since you may only win one of the same item each week it might be a little late.

However, DealDash has many items that are similar to each other, yet not exactly the same. For example, DealDash carries around 15-20 different styles of earrings. You could win one of each style each week. So you see, you could get them all something similar, but not exactly the same.

BIN the Presents if You Don’t Win Them

If you are set on getting certain gifts for your friends or family members, then that means you’ll want to “go all the way” in the auction. This means that you will put in enough bids to equal the retail price. If you don’t win the item, no problem. You can BIN it! You will be able to use DealDash‘s BIN “Buy It Now” protection on any and all items that you are bidding on for presents. You can get every one of your bids back that you spent on that gift by BINning the item.

When you BIN (Buy It Now) an item when you don’t win you will receive the item, free shipping, and all of your bids back to use in a different auction. You will even get to keep the “clock time” that you earned by bidding on the item. That’s like DealDash giving YOU a present!


Thanks for Reading the Blog

I hope this article has you thinking about what you’re going to bid on for your friends and family for this holiday season. Have an awesome time on DealDash by following the bidding tips on the DealDash Blog. Would you like to read more tips and tricks about DealDash? Then check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash.

DealDash has everything that you need to give as presents with one-stop shopping. There is something for each of your present recipients, from jewelry to candles to sports memorabilia. There’s no need to go to the mall. Start your holiday shopping now, on DealDash. Go check out the site and bid on some great items. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash customers

This sponsored blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.

Bigger Wins Equals Bigger Fun on DealDash


Any win on DealDash is fun. However, bigger wins equal bigger fun!

What have been some of your biggest wins on DealDash? If you’ve had some really big wins on DealDash you know that they are even more amazing than small wins. Read on for more information from DealDash below.


How Many Big Wins Do You Get?

What are you trying to win? If you’re not familiar with DealDash winning limits, they are as follows:

  • You may win the same item only once per week.
  • A few auctions are restricted only to users who have never won a “One-Per-User” auction. They are clearly marked.

Are You BINning Higher Priced Items?

Did you know that you are able to use DealDash‘s BIN “Buy It Now” protection on all auctions? This includes higher priced auctions as well as lower priced ones. This will be a big deal for you if you find yourself having spent 1,276 bids on an item and end up not winning. You can get every one of those 1,276 bids back by BINning the item.

When you BIN (Buy It Now) an item when you don’t win you will receive the item, free shipping, and all of your bids back to use in a different auction. Surprisingly, you will also get to keep the “clock time” that you earned by bidding on the item.

Bidding Big? Set a Budget for Yourself

If you’re planning on bidding on a more expensive auction be sure to set a budget for yourself. Being a responsible bidder and setting spending limits for yourself just makes good sense. Setting up a DealDash budget is simple, and as long as you are able to stick to it you’ll be very pleased to see yourself saving money.



Thanks for Reading the Blog

I hope this article has you thinking about your next big win. Get the most out of your DealDash experience by following the bidding tips on the DealDash Blog. If you’re interested in reading more tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash. You’ll be glad that you took the time to do your research.

DealDash has everything that you need with one-stop shopping, from clothing to tools to art. Start your holiday shopping now! Go check out the site and bid on some great items. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

DealDash customers

This sponsored blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.