What Halloween Bidder Were You This Year?

Here’s a guest blog post written by Joan Vith, a long time DealDash shopper for more than two years. This blog posts relates closely with Halloween and although we’re moving onto the up-coming holidays we could not resist sharing her creativity and Halloween comparisons.

What Halloween Bidder Were You This Year?

Are you Casper the Ghost when it comes to bidding? Are you the friendly spirit who will let someone else win the auction because the price has gone beyond what you would pay for the auction win? Or, are you Frankenstein? The bidder who will just not go away, continues to bid and haunts the other bidders persistently out bidding everyone else? Or….. are you the bright Jack-O-Lantern? You know the bidder that has the perky photo, and a great bio about all the good works done every day. The kind of bidder you almost feel guilty if you bid against them.

Then there is Bela Lugosi, remember him? His teeth are all fangs in the old movie classics and he is out for blood. He will stop at nothing to get the auction win.

Bela Lugosi

Do you sometimes feel like the “Headless Horseman” when you are bidding? You know the feeling, why am I still bidding? I am no longer following my regular winning strategies. Why can’t I let go? I am fleeing through the night on all the auctions I can bid on and nothing seems to be working.

I imagine this is the way all bidders feel at some point during auctions on DealDash. Sometimes all the wit and wisdom and research you have done just does not seem to be enough. Needless to say, the auctions can haunt you during the night but in the light of day, you know buy-it-now is a pretty good option and DealDash.com is the only site that offers all your bids back at no extra cost and never has any shipping fees. Pretty awesome auction site; fair and honest, fast delivery and buy it now if you don’t win. DealDash.com the best penny auction site around!

Are you an experienced DealDash shopper who loves to write? Email us your guest blog entry to [email protected] for a chance to be featured here!