You’ve been getting a lot of DealDash wins lately. What are you doing with them?
If you’ve been bidding on DealDash for a while you probably have been accumulating a lot of wins. There are only so many items that you can really use for yourself. Here are some tips and ideas for what you can do with your DealDash wins.
Save Them for the Holidays
It seems like they move the holiday celebrations up earlier and earlier every year. I was at the mall last night and one of the department stores already had their Christmas trees and other decorations up for sale! Now that we have entered October, you might want to think about starting to save some of your wins to use as gifts. Alternately, you could start bidding on specific things that you think people might like as gifts.
I find that the gift cards can be enjoyed by just about everyone. If you are the sort of person who likes to give away small gift cards to service people such as your paper delivery person, mail person, and garbage collector, DealDash has some great choices that anyone could use such as Subway or Dunkin’ Donuts.
Choose Your Gift, Then BIN
If you don’t win the gift card outright, then you can always BIN (Buy It Now) and get the gift card, free shipping, and all of your bids back to use on another auction. You will also get to keep the “clock time” that you earned by bidding on the gift card.
This situation is true for any product on DealDash that you want to bid on. If you see a piece of art, an electronic item, or anything else that you think would make a perfect gift, just win it or BIN it!
Don’t Forget to Donate
We’ve all done it – bid on an item that we weren’t crazy about just because it looked like an easy win. Once you do win it, if it’s not something that you think someone you know would enjoy getting as a gift, why not donate it to charity? There are so many different charities that accept donations, from church groups, to the animal shelter to national disaster relief groups. It will help someone else and make you feel good as well. Remember, just because something isn’t your “cup of tea” doesn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t appreciate it.
Thanks for Reading
Thanks so much for reading this DealDash Blog article on bidding for gifts and donations on DealDash today. Don’t forget to check back often for new articles here are well as on our other blogs, DealDash Reviewed and DealDash Tips. If you’re interested in reading even more tips and tricks check out the “Tactics & Tips” section on DealDash.
Let’s bid on some gifts and get free bids by using the time clock! DealDash has the perfect items for gifts. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this blog. Read even more at DealDashTips.com, DealDashReviewed.com, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.